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This is the year that you made a commitment to do things differently, and if you’re looking for a place to start, we invite you to start with us at Catalyst!

Recession proof your life and business by understanding how to navigate powerful financial conversations and write the cash flow story you’ve been dreaming about.

What’s Your Cash Flow Story?

Led by Lisa Chastain, a best-selling author and money coach, and Sonia Petkewich, a leadership wellness expert, Cash Flow Story is designed to revolutionize how you manage your cash flow. Cash Flow Story provides valuable resources, expert insights, and practical tips to optimize your cash flow management.

82% of businesses fail due to poor cash flow management. We don’t want that to be your story.

Catalyst Mastermind Collaborative is a Las Vegas-based company committed to guiding businesses like yours toward phenomenal growth and enduring success. We understand the unique challenges you face because we’ve been there too. We get it! That’s why we design targeted solutions to conquer these hurdles.


  • Getting stuck in financial conversations?
  • Fighting with your partners (business and personal) about money?
  • Being disconnected from your vision and purpose?
  • Confused about your financials and how to actually make progress?
  • Not knowing what levers to pull to create the business and life of your dreams?
  • Relying heavily on your financial team for answers when you wish you could be on the same wavelength as them?
  • Wanting a healthy relationship with money free from stress and overwhelm?

What’s Your Cash Flow Story?

  • Building bigger, better, and stronger businesses that can navigate the economy in bear and bull markets.
  • Don’t wait for the recession to happen to make necessary changes
  • Finally, take action to plan, protect and know how to execute the right plans to create a sustainable business.
  • How to navigate opposing money mindsets
  • Be intentional with time and money
  • Getting clear on partnership (business and personal) – and how to navigate hot topics
  • Developing a relationship with business capital – how to navigate
  • Getting off the money island

Cash Flow Story will help you make tiny tweaks to add for profitability, long term planning. Set yourself up for success NOW!

Who is this for? Any business owner who doesn’t feel totally confident or is looking for a well rounded conversation about money in their lives and businesses. This is perfect for the owner or executive who wants to level up financially personally and in their business.


2023-09-27 02:00:00


  • Money Type
  • Money Mindset
  • Personal Financial Core Responsibilities and Relationships
  • Banking Relationships and Services
  • Tax Conversations
  • Pay yourself! Compensation structures


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  • Business Finance Basics and Tax Planning
  • Financial Forecasting and Budgeting
  • Taxes and making sense of your business structure for profitability and tax efficiency
  • Building Successful financial reports and accountability


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  • Leveraging debt for business growth
  • The Power of One – understanding how to shift the right things even by 1% to increase positive cash flow


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  • Estate Planning and Protection
  • Wealth Building and Legacy Planning
  • Living your most abundant life
  • Bringing your personal and business finances together to create harmony, stability and living on purpose every day for the rest of your life!


“Catalyst made me a better human, businesswoman, leader, wife and mother. I would not trade it for anything. I want to help others make the same connections, bringing out their best, as my mastermind peers have done for me. As entrepreneurs, we are often so busy wearing all the hats, we seldom make time to connect with other leaders, and it’s these connections that bring new opportunities.”

Heather R. Executive Producer, Champagne Creative Group

“Catalyst is an amazing group of supportive business owners. It has helped me and my business navigate through the pandemic and has helped me not only survive it but also begin to thrive. Catalyst gives you a sense of direction with accountability and amazing input from different areas of knowledge from the group. I am so excited to be able to participate and grow with this group and I encourage anyone that has a business to join!”

Victoria M. Owner, Sunset Montessori Community